Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, Photo of the Day

After the boys' library class today, we went and took some photos of the gorgeous trees! I couldn't pick just one, so here's my favorite photos of the day! I also photographed a house across from the library, it had the longest icicles I have ever seen.


Dee said...

Wow, Renee - terrific pictures! And those are definitely some loooooooooong icicles :-)

Cropaddict said...

These are awesome. Those icicles are unbelieveable.

Renee Zieglmeier said...

Now these tree pics don't all look alike now do they?
My boys just couldn't understand why I wanted to take so many photos of the trees.

Jewel said...

WOW! These are amazing!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, Photo of the Day

After the boys' library class today, we went and took some photos of the gorgeous trees! I couldn't pick just one, so here's my favorite photos of the day! I also photographed a house across from the library, it had the longest icicles I have ever seen.


Dee said...

Wow, Renee - terrific pictures! And those are definitely some loooooooooong icicles :-)

Cropaddict said...

These are awesome. Those icicles are unbelieveable.

Renee Zieglmeier said...

Now these tree pics don't all look alike now do they?
My boys just couldn't understand why I wanted to take so many photos of the trees.

Jewel said...

WOW! These are amazing!!